Come to the fastest Ultracycling event in the USA, if not the world! If you want to lay down the most miles for a
6, 12, or 24 hour event, this is the best place to do it!
We all loved the smooth, flat, safe, and fast 3.66 mile Duane Palmer Blvd course in the lovely Spring Lake development
in 2024. They loved us too and invited us back for 2025!
It is also back to its original Feb timeframe as one of the first Ultracycling Events of the year. The date for 2025
is Feb 15-16.
The event will be even faster in 2025! Due to feedback regarding the high traffic volume and possible danger aspect of
the current public roads and highways we had to ride on, I am doing away with the 36 mile daytime loop.
However due to popular demand I am adding back in the Historic Century ride to Reedy Lake and back since most of the
roads are low traveled. This is an option for the Century ride and also as the first leg of the 6, 12, or 24 hour events.
See the "Events" tab to the left for full details.
Click here to Register, or you can use the "Registration" menu button on the left to be directed to BikeReg.